We have tried everything to get this kid to eat! Guice is not having any of it. I gave up on baby food and started giving him extremely tiny bites of soft foods, french cut green beans for example. He will not eat it. He will lick them but the second they get in his mouth and he thinks he might swallow it, Guice will start gagging and hacking until he spits it out. Although he will not eat or drink from a sippy cup he will drink from a glass. He loves it! This is a clip from last night, my hope is that he will start to try other things; other than the boob! Last week or so I have tried very hard to get him to take breast milk from a bottle, he refuses. I end up just dumping the milk out, as you know that is liquid gold for breastfeeding moms! I have nursed him every single meal for over 6 months! If he would eat solids it would give me more of a break between feedings (in theory). Or if he would take a bottle I could get some time to myself. I think Guice is on to this, he just doesn't want his Mommy to leave him for a second!
Learning To Let Go
6 days ago
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