I am no longer doing postings on E.J.'s monthly b-days. I blog about her constantly anyway. In retrospect It wasn't the best thing to get started. Now I am obligated to do it for Guice and any other little ones we may have (yes, we want more for those who missed the less than subtle hint. And no, we are not going to be the Duggars of Tennessee:) I am already bloging about her so I might as well share some of the cute things as of late.
Emery Jai loves to boss. She is forever bossing. If you tell her your the boss she says "No, I am the boss of all stuff."
She is a blog stalker (I have no clue where she gets it:), she has to check on "her blogs" several times a day. She is getting very good at clicking on them. If she clicks on the wrong page she will say "Oh, I got a wrong number." Emery Jai will also say "Lets see what baby Ayden is doing." or "I wonder what Kennedy and Jude are up to, lets check."
Emery Jai is missing her Daddy so very much, yesterday she put her head on my lap and said "I miss my Nashville Daddy."
She is very into "that's mine!" Everything is hers toys, cups, NeNa, EVERYTHING is hers!
*she has been in no mood to have her pic taken so please excuse the lack of photographs:)
Learning To Let Go
6 days ago
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