Miss Emery Jai caught a viral infection, she has been a sick little girl! Thursday afternoon her fever was 102, and that is with Tylenol given 2 hrs prior! Thankfully NeNa & Pop took turns staying home from work with us on Friday and helping us out. E.J. never gets sick so it is always difficult for me, she looks so pitiful! I thought she just might have to have her first antibiotic ever, I was afraid it was the flu or a strep infection. But E.J. rallied on Saturday and is doing wonderfully. She enjoyed all of the extra attention immensely. She kept saying I am sick as a dog! Emery Jai also liked taking Tylenol, she very rarely gets meds but she loves it. I am so glad it wasn't the flu or anything remotely serious and she recuperated so fast!
Learning To Let Go
6 days ago
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