Guice had his very first hair cut today, well maybe not so much a cut as a tiny trim! Guice was born with the longest hair, unfortunately all but a few strands fell out. The pitiful amount of hair that was left continued to grow, it was looking very ragged. So today I cleaned it up a bit! I would not have minded it so much if it was long all over, but the way it was growing unevenly made him look like shaggy! This will most likely be his last hair cut for sometime I like longer hair on little boys, no crew cuts for us! It is okay, I am prepared for your long haired hippie kid jokes!His hair is growing in really well now, it is a light red blond color, very very pretty(handsome)!
Look how long!
He looks so much like a little boy!
He loves his new do!
Learning To Let Go
1 week ago
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