How in the world do you get permanent marker off: bathroom counters, toilet bowls and lid, tub, walls, wallpaper, and floors??!?!?!?!?! The wallpaper needs to go anyway (and the counter tops and paint colors in the two rooms she decorated), but still............seriously!!! UUGGHHH!
We think she is going to be a graffiti artist:)!
This is just a small sample of the damage!
I see the definite signs of a future in the arts. Better start saving up for those pastels!!!
Try a Mr.Clean Magic Eraser, the extra strength one- they work on just about everything! Good luck!
She's right about the magic eraser. I keep several on hand!
Yes, we have used ton's of Magic earsers and they really do work. Boy what damage Emery and Whitney could do together :)
ps...I swear it looks like we have the same tile in our house!
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