Saturday, June 7, 2008

Kung Fu Panda!!

Emery Jai attended her very first movie today! Emery Jai , Guice (this was his 3rd movie watching experience:), NoNo and I saw Kung Fu Panda. Emery was very excited, she did so well! EJ took a little nap. She woke up in time to see most of the movie. For a second I thought Erica and I were going to be stuck watching a kids movie for nothing:). I think the popcorn was EJ's favorite part, well, that and NoNo's Coke. Guice did well as always, he is an old pro at the movies:). In case you want to know, it is a very cute movie and worth seeing.
Let us in (we got to the theater a bit early)!! Lovin' the panda

Ready for the show! Guice is not so excited, he knows what to expect:).
Taking a little nap, who needs to see the previews anyway?!?!


Lindsay said...

Great pics! What a special memory. My first movie was ET and I remember it SOOOO well! I think I was four.

The Blitz's said...

Oh so sweet. She looks like Uncle Ricky when he gets in front of a movie!!!

The Blitz's said...

Oh so sweet. She looks like Uncle Ricky when he gets in front of a movie!!!

Erica said...

The movie was so good! I had so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I ALWAYS love to look at your pictures. The babies are so sweet and I would love to see them soon.
Aunt Mimi