Thursday, November 8, 2007

This & That!

This is another one of those post about random things I want to remember . I know when I look back at this time, when our kids our just babies, I will just think about their smiles and how undeniably cute they were. Not about the tantrums, fits, or acting out, so I am going to document it in case I have any crazy insane thoughts of having any more little Andersons. I have included some very cute things and just everyday stuff. Feel free to skip straight for the pics!
*Josh and I our now licensed Tennessee drivers! I failed my eye exam twice the guy let me cheat, which was nice but makes me wonder how safe I am on the road. How many other half blind people our out driving? Old age is upon me. I refuse to wear glasses and can not wear contacts because it freaks me out to put them in.
*Emery Jai's favorite activities include but are not limited to spitting, shutting and opening doors, tormenting her brother (I suspect this will only get worse with time), and throwing wild heathen fits.
*Guice holds his ear and sucks his thumb when he is sleepy.
*Guice will not take a bottle, I have fed him every meal for over 3 months. I guess he likes his food fresh and in the original packaging.
*Emery Jai yells at complete strangers. I am talking loudly, she usually is saying something along the lines of hi or hey or sometimes what are you doing. It is very embarrassing.
*She is still going limp at the drop of a hat. It is one of her favorite tricks.
*I am 5lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. I should clarify pre-Guice weight. I have 30 before I am to my before all pregnancies weight. I am going to wait until after the first of the year to really try and loose it. Whatever comes off before then is just one of the many perks of breastfeeding.
*Emery Jai was in her car seat, NeNa was driving. E.J. asked me to holder her, I said "I can not hold you we are driving" she said "You hold me in buggy" !
*One of her favorite phrases is "No I don't"
*She loves TLC's Baby story and Birth story. She would watch them all day. Emery Jai's favorite part is when the babies cry.
*Guice laughs all of the time. It is a loud and deep laugh for a baby.
*He takes baths in the big tub. Guice no longer fits in the sink.
*E.J. ask to go to the park, Wal-Mart, the mall, and Gymboree every single day.
*Emery Jai has 3 shirts she prefers get ready to see them all of the time, they are all she wants to wear.
*Jodi Lynn got Emery a stick horse, E.J. named it parachute! She loves it and rides it all of the time.
*Emery gets all of her puzzles out at once to do! Puzzles are about the only toy besides her babies she will play with.
*Emery nurses her babies. She lifts up her shirt! It is too cute.
*Emery Jai named her Cabbage Patch doll Sarah, after Sarah Huckabee. If you have forgotten I will refresh your memory. K. Roger, Jeremiah, and Joe are bear babies Sarah is the CPK and parachute is the pony.
*E.J. no longer calls horses mimis she just calls them horses.
*While at NeNa & Pops I put E.J. into the jacuzzi for the first time. When I turned on the jets she said "I'm boiling"!

Emery Jai and Daddy off to Wal-Mart, she dressed herself. She has to have a hat on at all times!

Guice wondering how to get that blanket into his mouth!
Playing with his toy! Emery Jai in her favorite outfit and parachute!
Little Lovebug!
Working her puzzles!