Saturday, November 10, 2007

Lesson Learned!

I thought I was so smart last year stocking up on bargains for my new little boy. I was lucky enough to find out we were having a son at 16 weeks, from that moment I started buying clothes for him. Well very few of the bargains have worked out. Almost everything I bought on sale Guice outgrew before he could wear it. I found the cutest pair of Christmas pajamas half of half, so I snatched them up! And here it is barely November and he has outgrown them. When I was shopping a lady started up a friendly conversation about babies pregnancy and such. She noticed I had selected the Christmas sleeper in 12 months, she politely asked if I had gotten the wrong size. I wish I could show her these pics!
No matter what size he is he is my lil baby boy!
Gaping and too short!
He loves to sit with his ankles crossed! He has huge feet, size 3 already!