Sunday, October 31, 2010


Holister Timothy He, like all our kiddos, is named after family and in this case a very dear friend. As many of you know Josh lost a close friend about 3 months ago, it was a terrible tragedy. Quieten was a new friend, we only knew him a couple of months but I know we would have been close friends for a life time. Quienten's middle name was Hollis. We called the baby Hollis for a couple of months because we just knew it was a boy:)! Last week we morphed it into Holister, which we LOVE.
We are know that there is a Holister clothing line, and are at peace with that. At least one of our children will have ready made personalized items:). HA! Timothy is after my uncle who was killed by a drunk driver over 20 years ago. He was an amazing husband, father, son, and uncle. We are so excited to be naming our little one after these two remarkable men!
I have to add, I FLIPPED out when I checked Kelly's Korner! She is due 2 or 3 days after me and is naming her daughter Hollis. What are the chances?!?!? I text Erica to call me 911 then made calls to Jessica and Lindsay and several other people. I finally got my Mom to answer! I just couldn't believe it! Now several days later I have calmed down and chalk that melt down to pregnancy hormones, or most of it anyway:). I do want the record to show that we had the name Holister loonnnngggg before Kelly:)! I am also glad we changed it to Holister after reading all her comments on the name, I didn't realize it was such a girl name. And yes IF we would have had a girl she would have been named Hollis! The day before Kelly found out I was on the phone with Erica and she asked me what I thought Kelly was having. I said I want it to be a girl so she will announce the name. Be careful what you ask for:)!

Only 20 Weeks (or so) to go until we meet Mr. Holister Timothy Anderson!


The Anderson family said...

I love seeing it written out! Great name!!

Anonymous said...

Love the name---I can't to cuddle, kiss and snuggle the precious boy--So Glad Guyboo is getting his brother. God is Good and he answered Guyboo's precious prayer.

Mom AKA NeNa