Friday, July 10, 2009

Spending time in CA!

Of course by CA i am referring to central Arkansas:)! I came to pick up EJ, she has spent the last week with Pop & NeNa in Indiana at horse progress days. She had a blast. I could hardly get her to talk to me on the phone, she was having so much fun. NeNa took several really cute pictures but I can't seem to get them up loaded. EJ's favorite was a pen full of baby rabbits! Now, just guess what she wants for her birthday.....yep, a rabbit! When I showed up on Tuesday I had envisioned a huge tear filled reunion. Not so much. I was lucky to get a "hi mom"! When did she get so big? Anyway, we are basically just hanging out all day. Nothing super exciting. I am very much enjoying not cooking or cleaning! The kids love being here with Pop & NeNa, it is very much their home away from home. We will be heading back tomorrow and then returning after my appointment on Tuesday. We are spending quite a bit of time here until the baby arrives, I find that I need a lot of help here lately. But, all for a good cause:)!