Thursday, June 25, 2009

Practicing for baby!

I got another glimpse of life with 3 under 4! As I suspected the youngest was the easiest, it was the two oldest (particularly the redhead:) that gave me issues! Emery Jai wanted to do everything for him and was upset when she could not walk around holding him. Guice was also a huge help. When our baby gets here looks like I will have all the help I need! EJ changed her mind, she now wants a baby brother:). I told her it was a little late in the game, we are sure it is a girl. She said "fine, the next one is going to be a boy!" They did puppet shows and read books to him, they asked if we could keep him! They are so ready for a baby in the house, at least they think they are:)!
EJ and sweet baby Daxx! G & Daxx

G excited that he gets to hold him, EJ mad that it is not her turn!
I bet Daxx went home and slept like a rock!