Thursday, March 5, 2009

19 Weeks!

I am 19 weeks today, wooo hooo! The pregnancy finally seems to have picked up some speed, almost half way there! We are so excited to meet this little one! I am doing wonderful, feeling good, and looking very pregtastic! I have been feeling the baby move for about 3 weeks but they are getting much stronger and more frequent. Josh felt the baby move right before we left, it is such an amazing moment to share! I go back and forth daily on whether it is a boy or girl, honestly I haven't the slightest clue. I thought I would know for sure, I did with the other two but not this one. One thing is for sure this little monkey is keeping us on our toes!
belly pic 19 wks!! ps, i was joking about the gender predictor, well sort of:). we are sticking to our guns and not finding out!