Thursday, February 26, 2009

Prayers Needed!

Our Ultrasound has been moved up to the 9th! This is very much an answered prayer. The sooner we know, the better. I will be having a telemedicine ultrasound for high risk moms/babies. The scan will be at Mena Regional but MD's from UAMS will be viewing it simultaneously, in real time. The program is the Antenatal and Neonatal Guidelines, Education and Learning System, known as ANGELS. Feel free to read about it HERE. I could have had an amniocentesis but did not want to risk harm to the baby, so chose to have the MUCH less invasive ultrasound. If the baby does have Down Syndrome things will change dramatically as far as where I deliver. I will deliver at UAMS and the baby will be stabilized then immediately transferred to Children's Hospital. This and so much more is what Josh and I have been trying to get our minds around. As you can imagine we could very much use prayers for peace. We are trusting God with our little one! Thank you to everyone who called or emailed to check on us, to pray with us! It means so much!