I rarely make an appearance on the blog, atleast verbally. I do have to take some time on this very special day and recognize my wife and the mother of my children. Jessica has made tremendous sacrifices for the kids, and I honestly do not know how she does it. I know that there is something in her that is special and remarkable, because if I stayed home with the monkeys and she was gone all day I would go insane. She has raised two of the most beautiful wonderful children that I have ever seen ( I may be slightly biased ). The work she does with them between sign language, puzzles, reading books all day, it is nothing short of amazing. She deserves more gifts than I could ever give, and more love than I have in my heart, but I will try every day for the rest of my life to let her know how much I appreciate, love, adore, and cherish her. These words cannot even begin to describe how much I love my wife, or how much I truly appreciate her every day. There is no way that I could explain all the things she does for this family or how she continues to do them with love and a smile. These are just a few reasons why I love this woman more every day. If anyone could understand the way she makes me feel just by looking at me every day, then you would know that that alone is more than enough. Happy Mother's Day Jessica. I will love you each and every single day that I take a breath.