Thursday, April 3, 2008

Reading Bench...

When I was expecting Guice we purchased a co-sleeper, as you know it was never really used. Guice slept in it a couple of times but it (in my opinion) is just a glorified bassinet. It was/is so much easier (not to mention sweeter) to have him in bed with us especially while breastfeeding. The good news is that the co-sleeper can transition to a reading bench. Josh put it together for EJ & G a couple of days ago and we cannot get them off of it. EJ loves being able to "read" stories to Guice. She now does one of two things. She has some pages memorized and will recite them to him or looks at the picture and will tell a short story about what she sees.
sweet sibling moments (they are few and far between;)...