Three years of wedded bliss! I thought I would share a couple of things you might not know about us. We joke all of the time about how well things worked out considering we did not really know each other very long at all :)! The life we are living was far from the one we had imagined but oh so much better! I could not be happier. We have had a blessed 3 years and pray we have many many more. Josh is absolutely a wonderful husband, I could go on for days but will just leave it at that.
*We met at Cracker Barrel while we were servers.
*Josh wouldn't date me, he played hard to get! I was constantly asking him to go out with a group of us after work, he would say he was going to stay in and watch a movie (A Few Good Men to be exact).
*We had no idea the age gap until after we dated a few times. We were both shocked. I thought he was at least 23 turns out he was 20, I was 24! I robbed the cradle!
*We were engaged within months, 3 in fact.
*We had known each other 10 months when we got married!
*We eloped to Hot Springs, it was perfect. It was the weekend of spring break our Sr. year of college.
*We found out we were expecting the Wednesday after we graduated. We were in shock to say the least.
*We have lived on 5 different streets in just 3 years, we are nomadic!
*I have worked a grand total of 5 months during 3 years. Which was not at all planed for it just happened that way.
*Of the 36 months we have been married I have been either pregnant or breastfeeding 34!
*This past year I have spent 7 months away in Arkansas.
*March fourth is the only day of the year that gives a commandment, march forth! I think that about sums up our togetherness, what ever happens just keep pushing on!
*We were married on my Mom's birthday, I gave her the best gift ever Joshua!
*In honor of our anniversary I have changed my music to only play our song, Stand By Me.
Homeschool Success Starts Here
2 days ago
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