Sunday, March 30, 2008
8 Months!
8 months!?!?! Really?!?!? That long?!?! Where does the time go?!?!
Guice is such a big boy! He is crawling, getting into everything, his favorite place to be is Sampson's cage. Guice is pulling up. He is such a hand full. Guice has started to have fits, most often when he is put in the car seat. He arches his back and kicks his feet, he has the sweetest little fits:). He is still just signing milk, that is all he cares about so it makes it difficult to teach him anything else. Guice is driving his sister crazy by getting her babies and toys. I know this will only escalate!
He did eat today, a little, nothing significant but it is a start! Guice ate big boy food, "real" green beans and butternut squash! Guice is nursing countless times during the day and night, seriously I have no clue how much just know it is a bunch. He is demanding when he wants to nurse, Guice will have a full out fit if he doesn't get it on his time:)! I think he is getting a little boy face, he is changing so fast.
We love our little man to pieces!
Posted by The Andersons at 5:45 PM 0 comments
A conversation between EJ & I....
I have recently introduced Emery Jai to cartoons. Until now she hasn't really watched T.V. only the occasional Baby Show, I thought I needed to introduce her to something besides midwifery. It is only a matter of time until she embarrasses me completely in public. EJ has already broken NeNa's water with a spoon! She still has very limited TV time. EJ did not really get the cartoon thing, I had to explain that it was pretend. Emery Jai did not understand why animals were talking:). Today we were watching some show and the girl started cleaning up her toys. The conversation went something like this....
Emery Jai see that girl picking up her toys?
Why don't you pick up your toys like her?
Mom, she is just pretending.
Posted by The Andersons at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
You would think....
You would think with a mess like this at least a little would have actually made it into his mouth! Well, it didn't! Hopefully tomorrow will be the magic day!
Posted by The Andersons at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Puppy Kisses!
We are loving having a pet, Sampson is the greatest! EJ & G love him. He is such a good dog. Sampson fits in wonderfully with our family.
Posted by The Andersons at 11:41 AM 0 comments
Exersaucer Fun!
Guice has long stopped enjoying playing in the saucer but loves to stand and play and also climb in and out of the bottom. Emery Jai, however, loves to climb in and play. It is nice to have a toy both kids enjoy:)!
Posted by The Andersons at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
This & That!
We are doing great! We love the new area and can't wait until you come and visit:)! I haven't posted a real post in a long time, I know everyone has been wondering whats going on! Honestly just a lot of unpacking, cleaning, and enjoying our new space. The kids love it. The yard is a huge hit. On to the bullet format:)!
*EJ changes names, she is Cowboy Troy on a daily basis, Guice is Baby Ayden or Otis, and I am sometimes Jana.
*Guice is cruising around on furniture! I am not going to say he is close to walking, every time I announce he is close to something it takes him months to do it!
*Guice is still strictly nursing. He sometimes will put food into his mouth but won't swallow it. The next time he nurses he chokes on it.
*Talking to Emery Jai is almost like talking to an actual person. She can say anything and her vocabulary is endless.
*EJ is sleeping in her own bed all night! We are so excited! I am still a fan of co sleeping as long as it is allowing sleep to take place. In our case little rest was taking place. The transition was very easy, not a single tear was shed. She was ready to make the move as were we:)!
*Josh is loving his job. He works a ton of hours. The typical day starts with him up at 3:30a.m. out the door by 4:15a.m. and he walks back in around 5:30 p.m.! Thankfully he enjoys his job.
*I am joining a Mom's Group. I will let ya know how that goes:).
*Guice is saying Mama and knows what he is saying, using it at appropriate times! He also says Dadda and has said Kit Kat.
*We, Josh and I, are on the train to skinny town. We are using a sensible approach, eating healthy and exercising, nothing drastic.
*Emery Jai puts herself as close as she can to Guice and says "Look were twins!" She learned about twins from visiting the lambs, She is obsessed now.
*Sampson has delivered countless babies with Emery Jai's help.
*The other day EJ was walking around the house saying "You need to paint these walls, they are hideous!"
*If you ask her to do something she will occasionally say "I can't get to it right now!"
*When she has an accident (I do not like to use the term accident because it is very intentional) she will say "Please change me I wet myself."
Posted by The Andersons at 11:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
We are so excited to have a new family member (hence the new blinkies:)! He is such a sweet dog, EJ loves him. We got him from Chris & Jessica so he has been very well taken care of. He is staying in the house, Sampson is a little shy now but I think he will come out of it soon. He has mostly been chilling in his cage. He is a wonderful addition!
Posted by The Andersons at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Happy Easter!
We had a wonderful Easter with lots of friends and family! The kids had a blast! It was great to see everyone. Emery Jai really got into hunting eggs this year, it was so fun to watch.
Enjoy the pics!
*you can thank Danny for the improvement in the quality of my photos:)!
Posted by The Andersons at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Easter Outfits!
I put the kids in matching Sailor suits for Easter! It does not get much more precious than that. Although they did not want to cooperate during the photo shoot, I guess that is to be expected with kiddos:)! Maybe I will be able to get two kids to look at the camera and smile by the time they are teenagers.
Posted by The Andersons at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Easter Baskets!
Sunday morning EJ & Guice were greeted with baskets full of goodies when they woke up! This year we stocked the baskets with outside toys. They looked super cute in their Easter pajamas. I even found a baby's first Easter outfit in 24 months! It was a great start to a very long but wonderful day!
Easter Cuties!
Baby's first Easter! Being this spoiled is such hard work!
Guice checking out his bucket!
Look at all the fun stuff!
Posted by The Andersons at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Eastering In Mena!
We are on a whirlwind Easter Weekend tour of the natural state. We got in on Thursday and plan to head out on Monday. Today the kids and I went to Mena to an Easter egg hunt sponsored by Mimi's church. It was so much fun. Cheyenne, Chelsea, and Megan were there and helped out so very much with Emery Jai and Guice, I think that was EJ's favorite part (mine too:). It was a lot of driving, 6 hours total but well worth it! It was so wonderful to see everyone, wish we could visit more often!
Emery Jai & Guice! The girls taking EJ on the hunt!
Sweet Sweet Sweet.......
EJ loved this thing!
The eggs were full of candy wooo hooo! Guice wondering where his candy is :)
EJ checking out her goodies!
Guice looking for candy while Ayden is a good boy looking at the camera!Seriously, where is the candy?!?!
Happy Birthday Uncle Jamie!
Posted by The Andersons at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Emery Jai's Checkup!
EJ had her 2 yr checkup (yes, a little late its a long story:). She weighed in at 35 lbs (97%) and was 36 inches tall (95%)! She did very well she was a little upset that the doctor got to write on all the papers and have a computer. When I told her he was trying to do his job she said "Well I need to do my job too!" Dr. H got a kick out of that. We are so very thankful for a healthy happy (if a tad bad) little girl!
Posted by The Andersons at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Guice's Checkup!
The checkup went very well. Guice weighs in at 22 lbs 4 oz (97+%) and is 30 inches long (97+%). So he is still topping the charts. The doctor was not concerned with him not eating table food due to the fact he is growing so well and surpassing milestones of a 7 month old. Guice is crawling, pulling up, and climbing all of the time. He can also transition from his belly to his knees. He is growing up so fast!
Posted by The Andersons at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Guice is on the move!
Guice is crawling, officially! For a month now he has been scooting and pulling around but now he is crawling. Now I have two to chase after, wooohooo! I cannot get it on film because EJ is a little jealous of Guices new found movement. Hopefully that passes soon:)!
Posted by The Andersons at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
No place like home...
So we are here, I have seen it in real life and I love it! The area is wonderful. It is like living in the country, you pass a horse farm on the way out to it (the farm gives riding lessons, I am sure we will be taking advantage of that in the near future). At the same time it is only 10-15 min. away from every store you could imagine and a gigantic mall (yes, I need to contact shoppers anonymous)! We are on a dead end street which is wonderful. The house is very nice, it has some wallpaper "issues" that need to be addressed but other than that and some minor updating (fixtures and such) it is lovely. For the first time we can spread out, it is so nice. I am very anxious to do complete and total makeovers on each and every room! But Josh keeps calming me down and reminding me that it is a work in progress:). Emery Jai was unbelievably precious, she walked around saying "My new house, I like my new house." She went straight for the backyard to kick around her soccer ball. I guess I should mention Guice is enjoying his new space, although he would like the unpacking to get done a little quicker so all the attention could be focused back where it belongs, on him! The house, apparently, came with a couple of outside cats, we did not even have to pay extra:)! EJ is working on getting them tame enough to pet, I am not sure of her approach. She runs after them full throttle, something tells me there is a better way. That's about it in a nutshell, Joshua and I are so grateful for this. Yesterday we would just look at each other and smile then tear up, it has been an emotional couple of days. I am going to post pics soon, it is currently 5 a.m. I am still to excited to sleep.
Posted by The Andersons at 4:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
Our New Home...
Josh & I bought our first home together! I cannot even explain how excited we are! Home ownership has been a goal of ours for awhile, but it was put on the back burner while we figured out the one income situation, had babies, and moved states (not necessarily in that order:)! It was well worth the wait! It is in a small town just outside of Franklin, it is a very nice area. The home is everything we wanted, 3 bedrooms 2 full baths, a play room,single story (i am so ready not to have stairs, EJ is fearless around them. It gives me panic attacks), fenced in backyard, and a quite area. It is so perfect, we could not be more pleased with the house. Some of you know that we almost bought a home this time last year but backed out right at closing, I am so glad we did. Ever heard, Thank God for unanswered prayers? That is so the case with the house situation.
I have not seen it, only pics. Josh was the one doing the house hunting. It drove me nuts! We closed on the house this afternoon. The kids, the grandparents, and I are leaving out for our new home tomorrow at 5 a.m.! It cannot get here fast enough!
Our First House!!
Posted by The Andersons at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Guice cut two more teeth this weekend! He was more clingy than usual but over all very good for a little boy cutting two at once! That brings him to a grand total of 7, four on top three on bottom. Maybe he is waiting until he cuts all of his teeth to eat:).
Posted by The Andersons at 3:25 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Emery Jai and Kit Kat called a truce long enough to catch a quick nap! They are so very sweet when sleeping!
Posted by The Andersons at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Day with family..
We spent the day in Fort Smith with Jessica and Ayden, we had so much fun. The boys really interacted this time. Ayden thought Guice was hilarious! Emery Jai had fun, she reverted back to a baby. She crawled around and took a bink:). Aunt Jessica gave her a green sippy cup, she has yet to sit it down. Ayden is so very cute and so much fun to hang out with. I look forward to watching them grow up together!
My adorable nephew, I think he looks like me:)! Boys playing!
Anderson babies!
Action shot!
Hangin' out!
Posted by The Andersons at 3:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Three years of wedded bliss! I thought I would share a couple of things you might not know about us. We joke all of the time about how well things worked out considering we did not really know each other very long at all :)! The life we are living was far from the one we had imagined but oh so much better! I could not be happier. We have had a blessed 3 years and pray we have many many more. Josh is absolutely a wonderful husband, I could go on for days but will just leave it at that.
*We met at Cracker Barrel while we were servers.
*Josh wouldn't date me, he played hard to get! I was constantly asking him to go out with a group of us after work, he would say he was going to stay in and watch a movie (A Few Good Men to be exact).
*We had no idea the age gap until after we dated a few times. We were both shocked. I thought he was at least 23 turns out he was 20, I was 24! I robbed the cradle!
*We were engaged within months, 3 in fact.
*We had known each other 10 months when we got married!
*We eloped to Hot Springs, it was perfect. It was the weekend of spring break our Sr. year of college.
*We found out we were expecting the Wednesday after we graduated. We were in shock to say the least.
*We have lived on 5 different streets in just 3 years, we are nomadic!
*I have worked a grand total of 5 months during 3 years. Which was not at all planed for it just happened that way.
*Of the 36 months we have been married I have been either pregnant or breastfeeding 34!
*This past year I have spent 7 months away in Arkansas.
*March fourth is the only day of the year that gives a commandment, march forth! I think that about sums up our togetherness, what ever happens just keep pushing on!
*We were married on my Mom's birthday, I gave her the best gift ever Joshua!
*In honor of our anniversary I have changed my music to only play our song, Stand By Me.
Posted by The Andersons at 3:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
I had been wanting this stroller forever, NeNa finally took pity on me and got it. It is mine and Josh's birthday gift. Our birthdays came a couple months early but I was in desperate need of a new stroller. The old one was a single umbrella, Emery Jai would not ride in it. Guice has outgrown the sling (yes, I am sad:). He is just to heavy to lug around for longer than 15 min. or so. I still plan on using the sling for nursing when we are out, I can nurse and walk so there is not that much interruption in activities. Anyway, we really only need a double but went for the triple because we will need it eventually if all goes according to plan :). So far I love it, it is supper easy to fold down, not overly heavy (40lbs), the handle is tall enough (a must have for above average height moms) and it is big but not huge. 3 years ago I would have laughed hysterically if any one would have told me I would be asking for a stroller for my birthday! It is funny how when your a mom what you want suddenly becomes what your kids need!
Posted by The Andersons at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Oh my...
Other moms tell me that I will look back at this time in my childs life and miss it, that this is the best time. People said that same thing about high school and it could not have been farther from the truth.....
The stage in particular is the ever dreaded terrible two's!
NeNa, the kids, and I went shopping at Wal-Mart. On the way home E.J. started saying "I need to poop at a restaurant, I need to poop at a restaurant!" She really wanted to stop and eat, she loves to eat out.
Last night she leaned over and ever so sweetly said "Mommy your my pooping little angel."
She keeps asking for a basset hound and says she will name it Barbecue Sauce!
When E.J. does something she knows she is not allowed to do she will draw attention to it by saying "What did Emery Jai do?"
Emery Jai will get something she is not supposed to have then go sit in time out so she can play with it. She is not allowed to sit in time out and play with things, I do not know where she got this.
When I go to put her in time out she will run screaming to Pop or NeNa yelling "Help me Help me!"
When I try to explain things to her, like the dangers of stairs, she closes her eyes and will nod her head very dramatically while saying OOOOKKKAAYYY over and over.
Once I thought she was really listening to me, finally! Come to find out it wasn't me she was looking at, E.J. said "Mom you need a tissue, you have a bugger."
Posted by The Andersons at 4:50 AM 0 comments