Sunday, December 16, 2007

Odds & Ends!

Another rambling post in a not-so-grammatically-correct bullet format, enjoy!

*Emery Jai's new favorite phrase is "No I don't"
*Guice has found his toes and eats them every chance he gets he also pulls off his socks.
*Emery Jai is a fit thrower and is not afraid to do it in public! She fell out in Cracker Barrel just a few hours ago.
*Emery Jai stands on the bottom stair and sings her little heart out! Her favorite song of the moment is Away In A Manger. She says she is in the choir.
*If you ask Emery Jai to do something she is not particularly interested in doing she closes her eyes very quickly and tells you she is asleep.
*Emery Jai said she would sleep in her own big girl bed IF we got her a puppy.
*Guice has really started to notice Kit Kat, he loves to watch her.
*Emery Jai will out of the blue go and sit in time out, we can not figure out if A) she has done something and we did not catch her or B) she is banking time.
*If you ask Emery Jai what her Mommy's real name is she will tell you and she also knows Daddys. She can say her last name. E.J. is getting very close to being able to spell her name she leaves out a few of the letters.
*E.J. loves new clothes. We were in the mall a couple of weeks ago, Emery Jai started taking off her shirt yelling "New shirt, I want a new shrit"!
*If anything spills on Emery's shirt she must change it right away. She also washes her hands a lot and tells others to wash theirs.
*Emery Jai will write on herself with a pen and call it a tattoo. She ask everyone if they have a tattoo, she is very disappointed when they say no.
*Guice's legs are much too fat to fit in his bumbo seat.
*She will sometimes correct people when they call her Emery, she says Emery Jai stressing Jai!
*If I am having a conversation with Emery Jai and she is not exactly interested she will go into another room and shut the door.
*90% of the time she refers to herself in third person.
*Guice responds when someone says Guyboo!
*Emery Jai will almost always ask if she can drive or if she can sit up front.
*Emery Jai has a large vocabulary some of the words/phrases that I wish were not in it are I hate that, crap, oh my goodness, and no I wont.
*Guice is raising up on his arms and getting his knees under him, just not both at the same time.
Yummy Toes!

My little Angel!!