We are back home in Nashville! I am so very relived the trip is over, I start dreading the drive days in advance. The first 3 hours are fine the last 3 are nearly unbearable. No matter how much we stop it is not enough for Emery Jai and Guice. I am just glad it is behind me for a couple of weeks anyway. We had a great time in Arkansas but it is so very good to be home. Emery Jai missed her Daddy so much. I guess I missed him a little :). I did come home to a sparkling house, Josh cleaned it top to bottom! Josh was shocked at how much Guice had grown. He also thinks Emery Jai is talking more now. She says something new every second it seems. We are really having to watch what we say! Emery Jai has already said a couple of inappropriate things, I blame it solely on Josh :).
Such a sweet face!
Happy Boy!
What a little Angel!
She loves to accessorize!
Lil' Man!
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