Friday, March 9, 2007

Josh - all the way from Nashville

The past three weeks have been extremely exciting and very busy. I love Nashville and my new job. The other managers are great and I really love the city. The hardest part is being away from Jessica, Emery, and my son to be. I miss them like crazy, and I truly don't know how I'm making it. Jessica is being great. She is the strongest woman I have ever known. I would be lost without her. Emery has been walking all over the place, and is learning knew stuff everyday. I'm going to say it, like all parents do, she is so incredibly smart!!!!! I feel truly blessed to have Jessica, Emery, and the new baby boy.


auntie andi said...

I love you guys! I'm so sad (and glad all at the same time) that you are enjoying Nashville! I know that you are going to do so well in your new job! I am going to miss your family like CRAZY when you move! Love you guys!

auntie andi said...
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