Okay...so i am NOT a fan. There I said it. I ordered one because miss priss loves to face out which is not at all possible in a sling. I am a hardcore ring sling fan, must have rings! But, nosey rosy has to face out and the only option (other than a hideous back pack carrier things that I refuse to wear:)) is a moby wrap. First issue, you can't (or at least I can't) hold the baby and put it on. Also, it is one L-O-N-G piece of fabric. I am guessing 12 ft. So it must touch the floor, ewww. I have to put it on before I leave the house. There are several steps to getting the thing on. It covers all your shirt, this could be a plus now that I think about it:). Anyway E LOVES it. And she is now forward facing...so I guess it is worth it. But I prefer my sling any day over the wrap. I do think it is way cute, I got the tattoo wrapped in love design!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Moby Wrap.....
Posted by The Andersons at 1:28 PM 2 comments
Emery Jai's Fourth Birthday Party!
Emery Jai had a wonderful party, even if it did ice and snow for two days before:). The party was princess themed, OF COURSE! She would not have it any other way! She had us practicing singing happy birthday at 9 a.m. sharp! She was a bit of a Birthday Girlzilla! Once her guest arrived she was wonderful played with all the kids and was super appreciative of all her gifts. Josh and I decided that, at this point, we would not be heartbroken if she decided to elope. Guice was so good! He has, however, already started planning his spider-man birthday party! Evergrace had a great time. She loved all the hugs and kisses. Nena and Pop had to come in on Thursday before the weather hit. Several people could not make it because of the road conditions but we had a great turn out and an amazing time!
Emery Jai and her super precious cake! Does not get any sweeter!
Posted by The Andersons at 11:44 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Happy Birthday Emery Jai!!
Emery Jai turned 4 today at 4:58 p.m.! I am so excited to be mom to a four year old, I just wish time did not fly buy so very fast! Emery Jai is amazing....so very outgoing and LOVES people. Baby dolls are by far her favorite thing. She spends the vast majority of her time moving them around the house daily. She is a wonderful big sister, she and Guice play really well together (most of the time:), and is excellent with Evergrace. She wears a 6x but will soon move into a 7, her pants are getting short. She is weighs 56 lbs and is super tall (I will get her exact height). I know she is above the 100% on the growth chart. She loves watching her shows at her Mimi's and NeNa's houses, since we do not have a T.V. at home. She is such a smart little girl, she keeps us laughing, EJ loves projects, and can't stand to help around the house. We are very blessed to have her as our daughter and can't wait to see what God has in store for her!
Happy Birthday Emery Jai!!!
Posted by The Andersons at 5:48 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
First Foods!!
We, finally (although, sooner than with any of the other kids by a week:), fed Evergrace something other than breastmilk! I think she might have swallowed a tiny bit. She was not a fan, surprise surprise...I have a feeling she will follow in her siblings foot steps and not eat until she is 8 months. I have no clue why my kids don't want to eat solids? The only thing I can figure is that they are breastfed, G & E had/has never had a bottle. When I say breastfed I mean BREAST:)! Anyway, maybe that makes a difference, who knows. But we have tried it and it was a no go! EJ & G loved it. They could not wait. Daxx and Brylee eat baby food so they thought it was high time to let Evergrace have some. I have always made my own baby food, it is super easy and there are a ton of benefits compared to store bought.
Emery Jai & Guice "feeding" her! This could explain her dislike:)! Whats the big deal???
Posted by The Andersons at 6:27 AM 1 comments
Back to Basics!!
Is where I want to be! I have gotten away with some of the things that I really believe in or feel to be important. So, long story short my New Years Resolution was to get back to basics in all areas of life. I plan on going much more in depth in another post but for now I will leave you with this....I am (well,when the diapers come in) once again a cloth diapering mama!! I found great all in one, one size fits all cloth diapers on eBay new for a fraction of the cost! I clothed diapered with EJ. Super old school cloth diapered fold your own and pins! I used them all the time, ALL the time. I did some with Guice and haven't used a single cloth diaper with Evergrace, not one. I would have used them all along but $20 for a single all in one diaper is expensive, I KNOW in the long run it saves mucho bucks in the long run but up front cost are crazy! So I found great ones on eBay and can't wait to give them a whirl! They fit newborn to 35 lbs! So will be great for any and all future babies too. I have read a ton of reviews and most of them have been very positive. The only negative is for baby's with skinny legs, not an issue here:)!
Posted by The Andersons at 5:31 AM 1 comments
under the weather...
Germs this year mean business! The kids have been passing around a stomach bug for about two weeks and Guice had to have his first round of antibiotics ever. I, have to say, this is only my second time to administer antibiotics. With three kids, the oldest being almost four. I am not sure whats up with the stomach bug. They are fine all day but wake up about every 3 nights (different nights) throwing up. Any suggestions? Evergrace is just fine. She is sailing right along, healthy as can be!
Posted by The Andersons at 4:21 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 16, 2010
hangin out!
Evergrace is happiest when she is right smack in the middle of her big sister and brother! She loves hangin with the big kids! So cute!
Posted by The Andersons at 11:59 AM 1 comments
Cornerstone Pentecostal Church!
We have a HUGE announcement! Joshua is now the associate/youth pastor at Cornerstone Pentecostal Church! I am beyond proud of him. He preached his first sermon last Wednesday night and he was awesome! I was so very nervous I could not even stay, I had to retreat to the nursery. Hopefully my nerves will improve with time and prayer:)! We miss our friends at Mena First Assembly of God very much. We made life long friends there and will always be grateful of the love they showed us when we first moved here! I have to be honest, adding Pastor's wife to my long list of titles is VERY unnerving most of the time. I am taking it day by day:)!
Blessed beyond measure! Joshua & his mom (Carolyn/Mimi:) & Emery Jai & Guice!
Posted by The Andersons at 11:47 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
“Children do not accidentally become righteous leaders or emotionally healthy and productive adults -– any more than seeds thrown randomly to the wind grow to be part of a thriving garden. Simply throwing children into a cultural tornado and hoping for the best gives them little chance of living up to their potential or coming out unharmed.
Someone needs to take responsibility for their nurture, protection, nourishment, intellectual development, manners, recreation, personal needs, and spiritual development. Someone needs to commit time and energy into staying close to them as they grow, encouraging and correcting and teaching.”
–Sally Clarkson
Posted by The Andersons at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
more Christmas....
We had 6 Christmases this year! What a blessing to have so many opportunities to spend time with family celebrating! I did not take near enough pictures....here are a few I did snap.
Emery Jai making cookies at NeNa's!
Guice decorating his cookie....Memories being made!
Posted by The Andersons at 6:44 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
Shake a tail feather!
Our two oldest had their first official public performance! Their classes were invited to dance at the Mexican restaurant! They loved it! I did not think I was going to be able to drag EJ off the stage! Authentic Mexican dancers were there as well, Guice fell in LOVE with the girl in the blue dress! He could not stop looking at her. Seriously, he was looking so hard he ran into a post!
The kiddos and Miss. Vivianna Introducing the dancers!
Posted by The Andersons at 1:03 PM 0 comments
Christmas Program!
One of the many things that I LOVE about being an active in church is the things my kids get to do! Emery Jai & Guice were precious! Emery Jai spoke up and stole the show, in my opinion at least:). Guice was a little less than thrilled to be up there. In his defence he threw up on the way to church, so was a little under the weather. They all three had on the cutest Christmas atire and I did not get one single pic:(! But for the record, EJ & EG were wearing Christmas plaid dresses and G had on a pinstriped three piece suit with a red tie!
Guyboo playing drums with Uncle Jamie!
All the little children:)!
Posted by The Andersons at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Christmas at our house!
We had the most wonderful Christmas! Josh and I both feel it was our most favorite Christmas to date! The past two years we have stayed home, it works wonderfully for us. I see no end to this tradition! Also we do 3 gifts a piece, that's it. This too works great for us. I really believe it keeps the focus on the true meaning CHRIST! We don't "do" santa. So far we leave it at that. EJ had zero issue with telling everyone and anyone who asked what santa was going to get her or bring her that "we don't do santa!" Although, she did ask a lot of questions about him and say, on occasion, "santa brings me gifts." Guice noticed the whole santa thing but did not say much. When asked why we celebrate Christmas he said Jesus birthday! I took every opportunity to tell them about the virgin birth and of course about Jesus dying on the cross and our amazing gift of everlasting life! For me, Emery Jai and Guice being able to tell me the meaning of Christmas was heaven sent! Evergrace was a super cute Christmas baby! She had so much fun watching all the activities. I am very much looking forward to telling another little one about the miraculous birth!
pics in the most absolutely random order:)!
EJ & G when they saw their jeeps!
G was yelling "I got a car, I got a car!"
On our way to our Chinese Lunch! Our oldest tradition!
Kiddos stockings! I LOVE them!
Posted by The Andersons at 6:55 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Christmas Parade!!
The kids had a blast at the parade and lighting ceremony! It was a lot of fun!
Mimi, Emery Jai, Guice, Alvin, Theodore, and Simon! Checkin things out!
Posted by The Andersons at 1:29 PM 1 comments