Such a tiny 8 week old baby! 36 Weeks! What a difference 28 weeks makes!
8 weeks wearing 6-9 month old clothes...
24 month outfit at 9 months!
It is a lot harder to get the pic now!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Posted by The Andersons at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
I am sad to report that my cell phone has passed on and took all my numbers with it. Please email me your phone number and until further notice you can reach me via Joshua's phone. Sorry to announce the news of her passing in such an impersonal way, I would have called but I did not have your number;).
You will be greatly missed.......
Posted by The Andersons at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Hippie Mama In Training!
Posted by The Andersons at 10:26 AM 0 comments
So, that is what happens when I tell Guice no (sometimes he gets extremely mad and yells and clinches his fist, that is not so cute:)! It is super hard to keep a straight face. We are easing into setting boundaries and limits. This is by far my least favorite part of being a parent. Hopefully he picks it up a little faster than his sister :)!
Posted by The Andersons at 10:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Lil' Joshua.....
EJ's favorite new accessory is a cap like her Daddy wears! She knows the difference between a hat and a cap (thanks to Pop). She corrected the checker at Target who commented on her cute hat. She said "Thank you, it is a cap." She always wears it backwards, her Daddy is so very proud!
Posted by The Andersons at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
La Leche League International
Today I went a LLLI meeting, it was great! It was very nice to be around other moms with the sames views about breastfeeding. The leader was amazing.. We mostly just talked about what was going on with us and or babies. The majority of moms were new moms with general questions about latch or supply. There were a couple of moms with toddlers. The older Guice gets the more pressure I feel (from others) to switch him to formula and/or wean him at one. It was wonderful to gain encouragement from moms who have nursed their children past one. I am not sure how long I plan on breastfeeding I do know I am committed to nursing until his first birthday and most likely longer. I am leaning towards letting Guice self wean.
At any rate I highly recommend attending a meeting to anyone who is or is planing to breastfeed. The advice is very much geared away from the medical way of thinking and towards a more natural approach.
Here is the link if anyone is interested la leche league.
Posted by The Andersons at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
25 Things You Might Not Know About Me....
1. If I had not met/married Joshua I would have joined the Peace Corps.
2. I would have a ton of kids if my husband was up to it, he is not.
3. I really want to adopt.
4. When I graduated College I had 12 piercings and only 5 were in my ears.
5. My degree is a Bachelor of Science in Medical Sociology and Community Health Education.
6. I worked at West End.
7. I smoked 2 packs of ciggs a day until I was preggers with EJ. I loved smoking and still miss it (terrible but I do). I can't, to this day, walk into a gas station without wanting to buy a pack.
8. I would love to be all organic and vegan but do not have near enough dedication.
9. I would also love to practice sustainable living. Seriously, move out to the country and farm. I like the idea of it but am much to lazy!
10. I love What Not To Wear. When I get ready most of the time I think "Stacy and Clinton would have not like this at all!"
11. I really enjoy reading, it I start a book I can't put it down, but haven't read anything non-parenting or child related in years.
12. I can play the flute.
13. I am super scared of vomit.
14. I love the ocean hate the sand and the sun.
15. I can twirl a baton.
16. My hair has been almost every color imaginable.
17. My socks rarely match each other.
18. If we had some extra cash I would hire a cleaning lady in a quick second.
19. I have 3 tattoos and want more.
20. I do not mind to write but I can't stand proof reading so I just don't (ever noticed:)!
21. When I use a public bathroom I use a paper towel to turn on and off the water. I will NOT open the door without a paper towel even if I have to throw it on the floor.
22. I have had the same best friend for 25 years.
23. I absolutely love the Internet, I research everything. Yes, everything especially things related to parenting and/or childbirth. When we were looking into buying the house I researched that too. The area the schools all of it. Anything that is going on I am googling it!
24. I never know where to locate my purse, keys, cell phone, or wallet.
25. I have a terrible memory. I have a cousin (sorry, Blake) that is 3 or so years younger than me and do not have any recollection of him until we are 10ish.
OK Erica my 25 things!! I would love to read my other blogging buddies top 25!
Posted by The Andersons at 1:24 PM 0 comments
We went to a new park today it was ton of fun! The parks here are very nice although when we were heading out EJ started talking about the ducks. We all miss somethings about living in Nashville but we love it here with all things considered.
Enjoy the photos!!
Posted by The Andersons at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Introducing our newest family member, Monday! She is a 3 month old Basset Hound. In the last week or so it became very clear that Sampson would rather live in a home without kids. We found a good place for him. EJ was so upset, she loved having a dog. Josh and I did what any parent would do, we ran out as fast as we could and got her what she wanted a Basset Hound :)! Monday is named after one of my most favorite Jimmy Buffett songs "Come Monday". If you have not heard it I can no longer be your friend, your obviously not who I thought you were;). We thought about a several names; Barbecue Sauce, Crouton, July (I said no b/c I want to name a baby this, Josh suggested it b/c he doesn't to name a child this:), Monday seemed to fit so Monday it is!
Emery Jai and Monday! Lots more pics to come!!
in case you don't know the song and want to redeem yourself and have a chance at salvaging our friendship;)
Posted by The Andersons at 7:41 AM 0 comments
We (by we I mean Joshua:) mowed our yard for the first time today!! We are so excited to have our home, even if it is higher maintenance than we are use to;). We are enjoying it very much, remind me of this when the yard needs mowed in August!
Posted by The Andersons at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
What she wore today....
Yep, its pajamas.
Yes, she wore this in public.
No, it doesn't bother me.
Probably because I don't know anyone here:)!
Posted by The Andersons at 2:57 PM 0 comments
New Tricks!
Guice has several new tricks! Which include saying bye bye and clapping. He can also wave bye bye. It is so much fun to watch him grow and learn!
I am holding him down so he will be still long enough for me to catch it :)!
Posted by The Andersons at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Ladies and Gentlemen we have an eater!!
Guice is FINALLY eating!! Very exciting stuff!! Just thought you might like the update, although you probably were not as concerned as I :)! He skipped the baby food and went straight to finger food. So far he has eaten oranges, black beans, carrots, and bananas!
Posted by The Andersons at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
Yippeeee Daddy's Home!!!!!!!
Dad's home from work! This is by far EJ's favorite part of the day, Guice also enjoys it but probably not his favorite. A close second but nursing is without question his most enjoyed activity:)! Yummmy a tie!! The kid will NOT eat anything with nutritional value but can sniff out trash on the carpet and gobble it up in seconds!
What a cutie, if I do say so myself :)! You can just see mischievousness shinning through! He is such a mess!!
Emery Jai in action! She is showing her Daddy how Sampson can dance, Josh was very impressed! I am constantly amazed at her energy level! And for obvious reasons dread rainy days!
Posted by The Andersons at 4:06 AM 0 comments
Fashion according to Emery Jai!
EJ almost always (except when I intervene resulting in a huge fallout fit on EJ's part) picks out what she will wear on any given day. Today was a particularly interesting choice. She always says "What outfit will Emery Jai (Little People Big World, Otis, or Cowboy, or whoever she is that day!) wear."
Posted by The Andersons at 3:56 AM 0 comments
EJ & Sampson!
Just too cute not to share!! She LOVES this dog!! I am sure the feelings are very much mutual, even if you can't always tell:)!
She is saying " Dance Sampson dance!" As if he might hope up and Tango!
Posted by The Andersons at 3:33 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
*Today Emery Jai changed her name to Little People Big World, no that is not a joke!
*Guice is not really eating and has yet to take a bottle. Needless to say he is such a momma's boy. He can be playing by himself and as soon as I walk into the room he needs me, it is sweet and aggravating at the same time!
*I joined a moms group, my first meeting is this Saturday. Stay tuned for details.
*I have all the paint colors picked out and cannot wait until everything is painted. I am secretly hoping that I will wake up and the walls will be mysteriously painted! If you like to paint (or can put in flooring or lighting or know anything about landscaping or plumbing or those shower/tub install cover thingamagigers) this is a wonderful time to visit!
*Josh has lost 15 lbs, I haven't thanks for asking! Seriously, I am hungry all of the time. It takes a lot to exclusively breastfeed a 23 pound, crawling, pulling up, stair climbing, constantly on the go little boy!
*While in a very busy store Emery Jai said Oh my God! She would not stop saying it! I tried to ignore but she was gathering looks, I simply said We do not say that. Emery Jai said "Mom you say that all the time!" I wanted to crawl in a hole.
*While at the same store she had a huge fit for a bicycle, not a little tricycle, an actual bicycle. When I told her she was to little she said she would ask NeNa, she did and NeNa is buying her one her next visit.
*To give Guice a bath I have to get in with him, he is so wild. Guice pulls up on everything and will but his head under the water. I have thought of posting a video of him in the bath, to document how wild he is. I decided that NeNa and Mimi might suffer heart failure watching their little man thrash around in water :)!
*Guice can climb up the 3 stairs in the house! He is getting very fast and effecient!
*Guice almost always has a fat lip, he bust it all of the time. Such a little boy!
*We have started really looking for a home church. We hope to find one soon and hope that Josh is off to go with us at least part of the time.
Posted by The Andersons at 5:24 PM 0 comments
This might be the only time Guice spends anytime in a kitchen without being nagged to do so :). I thought it was picture worthy! I can (someday far far away) show it to his (very very much) future bride and tell her it is not my fault I raised him right!! He loves playing with EJ's kitchen, I think it is just because it makes EJ so mad:)
Check out her face!
Posted by The Andersons at 5:18 PM 0 comments