Guice Brewer Anderson is 4 months old today! He is such a big boy. He enjoys chewing on his hands and drooling. Seriously he drools all of the time we change his bibs constantly. He is reaching and grabbing toys more effectively now. Everything he gets his hands on goes straight to his mouth. He is rolling over much more often and faster now. He also spins around when laying on his tummy. He is strictly breastfed. We are very fortunate, Guice has not been sick at all. I hope this continues! He is such a happy baby, he flirts with everyone! Unfortunately Guice is loosing his hair! It looks terrible, it is falling out all along the sides. Maybe his new hair will grow in fast, I like having a baby with hair :)! He doesn't cry very often he is much more of a yeller! We he gets mad he just yells until someone picks him up. In a perfect world Guice would be held and rocked constantly. Because its not he will set in his swing or chair for short periods of time if given a blanket to wrestle with. Guice is sleeping so well, except during growth spurts when he eats all day & night. We go for our check up on Monday, I will post his stats then. The time has flown by. It seems like yesterday we brought him home.
Guice Brewer Anderson 4 months old!
Friday, November 30, 2007
4 Months Old!
Posted by The Andersons at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Too Funny!
I saw this on a friends blog and just had to do it! It is so funny regardless of how you feel about Santa , Josh and I laughed and laughed! Everyone should elf themselves!
Posted by The Andersons at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
'Tis The Season!
Today we embarked on a marathon Christmas shopping expedition! Josh and I decided to do ALL of our shopping in just one day! We were successful for the most part. We just have a couple of gift cards to pick up then we are DONE! We had to replace the costumes that Emery Jai found with another gift, I think she will be very pleased with the replacement! Josh and I decided last year that one gift from us for the kids is plenty. We are trying to keep the focus on giving not getting. Josh and I also decided not to teach our children about Santa. Because Emery Jai and Guice are so young the subject hasn't come up, we just plan to be honest with them about it. We took the kiddos with us, Guice did wonderful Emery Jai was entertaining as always! We got a call from NeNa letting us know that my cell was in the lost and found at the mall. For the life of me I could not think of how I lost it, I did not even bring it. Apparently Emery Jai had put it in her pocket at home and it fell out at the mall! We ate at a restaurant where the severs dance. Emery Jai hopped right up there with them and started dancing right along! Everyone in the restaurant clapped and cheered for her.
Thats a first! Emery Jai wanting in a stroller!
Best 4 dollars spent all day!
Emery Jai dancing! Servers Dancing
Posted by The Andersons at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 26, 2007
What Do You Think?
This week a few people commented that Emery Jai and Guice favor each other. I personally don't see it, but I could be mistaken! I think they look completely different, other than the baby blue eyes and the reddish hair. Here are some pics for comparison. Let me know what you think!
Emery Jai! Guice!
Little Girl!
Posted by The Andersons at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Home Sweet Home!
We made it home! We left a little after 5 a.m., we made it to our house right at 1. I made excellent time! We stopped at Cracker Barrel in Memphis, that was the only stop. The kids did fine, Guice had a little break down he screamed for about 10 min.. I was switching lanes to get off the interstate when he gave up and went to sleep. Emery Jai did great, she loves to travel. She updates me constantly on Guice's condition. If he is crying, sleeping, or if he has spit up. Emery Jai and Guice were so very happy to see Josh, they missed him so much! We have a very busy week then we make the trip again. The kids are exhausted and went to bed early!
Emery Jai missed Daddy's shoulder. It is one of her favorite spots! Passed out!
Posted by The Andersons at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
22 Months!
I need to start planing a party Emery Jai is almost 2! I can not wait until her party, of course I have already started planing it! She is doing very well. Emery Jai can count and say most of her ABC's. She will sing the song but hums a little bit of it. She can sign some letters and also recognizes them. She has her colors down for the most part, some are a little tricky! I am introducing Spanish, Emery Jai thinks I am speaking gibberish! When I say something in Spanish to her she responds with made up words! She is so so funny! Emery Jai is a big girl she is wearing 4T and she wears a size 8 1/2 W shoe. She is a handful, I would not want it any other way!
This time last year. Wow what a change!
Posted by The Andersons at 8:31 PM 0 comments
New Look!
After much deliberation I decided on this layout for my blog. Sure there are fancier flasher backgrounds but this one just works. I spent way too much time looking for and trying to post a new background. At one point I thought I had lost my blog completely! Plus I have to re-add everything each time I change it, it is more time and effort than I care to put forth. So I choose a simple template that I can tweak from time to time!
Hope you enjoy!
Posted by The Andersons at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Fixed It!
I fixed it all by myself!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by The Andersons at 7:40 AM 0 comments
I broke it!
I was updating my layout and somehow I messed it all up!! I no longer have a layout option when I log in. Only template. I also can not add or arrange page elements! I have no idea how to fix it. Anyway I am open for suggestions!
Posted by The Andersons at 6:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! I have so so much to be thankful for I do not know where to start! I am so thankful for Josh. He is a wonderful and loving husband and father. Emery Jai, Guice, and I are blessed. I am very thankful for our children, they bring pure joy to our lives each and every day! I am in constant awe of them and that we were chosen to love, guide, and teach them. I pray often that we are being the parents they deserve. I am thankful for my parents they are simply wonderful to not only me but my husband. We are equally grateful for Josh's family, we hope to see them more often. My extended family is very involved in our lives for this I am thankful. I believe that it is a huge asset to Emery Jai and Guice to have so many people who love them. They have the unique experience of really knowing their great aunts, uncles, and cousins. I am thankful for true life long friends. The ones that even when you go way too long without talking you just pick up where you left off. Friends that you can be brutally honest with and have no fear of judgment or rejection. I am grateful for those who blur the line between family and friends.
Those are just a very few but very important things I am thankful for! The list also includes:
Nap time
Super comfortable shoes
Quiet time alone
Quiet time with Josh
Baby sitters
Dates with the hubby
Long baths
Pumpkin pie
Posted by The Andersons at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
All Packed!
Emery Jai, Guice, and I are all packed and ready to go! By packed I am referring to throwing a bunch of stuff together in a not at all organized way! I am a notoriously bad packer. I always forget something of importance. I am as ready to go as I will ever be! I hope to have the kids out the door and in the car by 7. If not we will have to fight rush hour traffic downtown. We have a very long road ahead of us. I really wish I could fast forward to tomorrow afternoon. Emery Jai is so very excited to see everyone! She is most excited to ride the buggy! Guice is looking forward to his very first Thanksgiving! In case anybody is wondering there will be no big announcement like last year :)!
Looking forward to seeing you!
Posted by The Andersons at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Travel Plans!
Wow! We have an insanely busy holiday season planed! The kids and I are leaving on Wednesday the 21st heading to Arkansas for Thanksgiving with my family. I am driving the whole way by myself! 6 hours with two babies, I must be crazy! We are waiting until Wednesday to give NeNa a fighting chance at a clean house on Thursday! We are celebrating with my Granny Brewer and family the Saturday after. I am coming back to Tennessee the 28th. Then on December the 4th Josh, the kids, and I are leaving out. Josh is taking his vacation during this time. We are going to spend a couple of nights with NeNa and Pop and then we are off to Mena. This will be the first time his family has seen Guice and the first time in almost a year they have seen Emery Jai. We are staying 3 nights before heading back to central AR. The babies and I are staying put in Enola until after Christmas! I am sure by this time I will be sick of traveling and so will the little ones! Josh is going to be back for Christmas and Christmas Eve. Such a busy holiday schedule. The upside is I will not have to decorate my house, we won't even be here! However I am not looking forward to all the driving, I know it will be worth it.
Guice decided he needed a new trick to show everyone because rolling over is old news!
Tripod! I think he will be sitting up by Christmas! So exciting!
Posted by The Andersons at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Cute Pics!
Emery Jai at the Pet Store, she tried to con us into getting one of EVERYTHING! She loved the ferret!
She kept trying to break the lock to the cats! Big Boy Bath!
Emery Jai teases Guice with binks. He doesn't take one but she will put it in his mouth just to take it away! She loves the computer! Yesterday she turned my screen sideways, it took me most of the day to fix it!
Pushing her stroller! Check out the purse she is has! It belonged to my Grandmother before she passed away. Emery Jai found it at NeNa's house and takes it everywhere!
Posted by The Andersons at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Winter Hats!
It was a beautiful day in Nashville today, Emery Jai wanted to spend the day at the park feeding the birds. Emery Jai loves the birds, she wants to catch one so bad. The pigeons are so tame she can touch them. I know, gross! On the way we stopped off and bought the kids winter hats. Emery Jai had spotted hers a couple of weeks ago. She had to have it. Josh and I disagreed on which hat Guice should wear. I wanted a white one with a super cute but masculine puff on the top. Josh tried to convince me he needed a regular blue one! We finally found one we could both agree on. I might have to go back for the white one!
Disclaimer: Josh dressed Emery Jai, I had nothing to do with it! She looks like a Russian orphan!
Daddy & Emery Jai! Guice wishing he was at home eating!
Come here bird!
Going down the slide!
Maybe these birds will let me pet them!
Posted by The Andersons at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Where is Emery Jai?
You guessed it more funny/cute stories about my little girl! A couple of days ago Josh had just left for work. I had laid Guice down for a nap and used the restroom. Then I noticed something strange, Emery Jai was not underfoot. I went and looked in the living room, no sign of her. I called her name, looked in all of the rooms, and also the closets, nothing! I started to panic. I checked the front door the deadbolt was locked, so I knew she could not have gotten out. I made one more sweep around this time I included the screened in porch and cabinets, again nothing. I looked at the front door and thought I know she did not unlock the deadbolt open the door go out shut the door and then lock it with the house keys behind her. Then I thought well maybe she did. I opened it no sign of E.J.. At this point I had tears in my eyes, I kept checking Guice to make sure he did not disappear also! By this time I was screaming for her. I had looked everywhere. I shouted "Emery Jai where are you", not expecting an answer. To my surprise I heard a little girls voice say "Emery Jai is under the bed!" That little squirt hid under the bed! I can not tell you the amount of relief that swept over me! Under the bed has turned into her favorite little hiding place.
Oh you found me!
Posted by The Andersons at 10:18 AM 0 comments
How absolutely precious are these two little genies? I love it when Emery Jai wants to play in her dress up clothes. It is so much fun to look over and see a little genie or a cowboy maybe even a fairy just setting on my couch!
So so sweet!
Our little wish come true! We got two wishes!
He looks so handsome in pink! Yes, Josh has seen Guice with the hat on. Josh just rolled his eyes!
Posted by The Andersons at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
Day Out!
Josh had the morning off so we went out for a little Pre-Christmas shopping. It is always nice to get out of the house for a while, it gives me a reason to take a shower :)! We had fun it ended way too early Josh had to be at work by 2. It is so much easier to get out and around with Josh's help. When I dare to do it by myself I am exhausted by the time I leave our house!
Guice snoozing, snug as a bug in a rug! Emery Jai is thrilled to get to eat pasta!
On to Marble Slab Creamery!
The face says it all!
Guice trying his hardest to get to Daddy's ice cream!
So happy for a boy who did not get any ice cream!
Posted by The Andersons at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Baby Monkey!
Guice tried and tried to get the toys with his hands he gave up and decided to use his feet! He kicked and kicked at them! He loves his hippopotamus, thanks Lindsay!
Posted by The Andersons at 1:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 11, 2007
In Just 24 Hours...
Posted by The Andersons at 7:53 PM 0 comments
My Boys!
Just posting some quick pics of the Anderson men. Guice's hair is so so red! People are starting to point out to me that I have two red headed kids, like I did not notice. There's really not a story behind the pictures, I took them and now I am going to post them.
Michelin Man legs! Cute Bottom!
The Anderson Boys!
Why is back fat only cute on babies, so unfair!
Posted by The Andersons at 7:40 PM 0 comments