Guice is one month old today! Wow time flies! Guice is growing so fast, he has out grown all of his 0-3 month clothes and is wearing 3-6. I have no idea how much he weighs. He is cooing, smiling, and just short of laughing. Guice also holds his head up a lot of the time and is "standing" on laps. He is nursing all of the time. He sleeps for 4 hours at a time during the night, he takes two long naps around 10:30 and 2:30. Guice is a great and very happy baby and maybe just a smidgen spoiled! We have been blessed, again.
So Handsome!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
1 Month Old!
Posted by The Andersons at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Guice's First Church Service!
This Sunday Guice attended his first church service, we went to NeNa's church. It was an experience to say the least! First it took us forever to get ready, and Guice did not care for his super cute outfit (see pic). Erica met us there thankfully (she comes into play later). I go to the nursery to feed Guice before the service starts. We get in to the sanctuary and Elisha wants to hold him, great. About 10 min. later Guice fills his pants full, it was so so loud. Shane, Elisha, Erica, and I die laughing. Elisha & Shane look like they might puke. Erica takes him out to change him. Emery Jai starts saying, very loudly, poo poo Guice, poo poo Guice, No-no & then she starts wanting Aunt Mimi to get down from the choir loft. Emery is taken to children's church. Erica comes back and Guice has on an outfit that I don't recognize, good reason its not ours. I forgot to pack one. Erica had to get one out of another kids bag, oops! Guice then wants to eat again, I spend the rest of the service in the nursery.
Emery Jai giving love!
Posted by The Andersons at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Old Friends!
First I would like to clarify the title, by "old" I simply mean we have been friends for a long time. I do not want to indicate they are in anyway elderly or aged. Saturday I hung out with my high school friends Lindsay and Mandy, we had so much fun. We passed around babies and told stories, I could not have had a better time! I am terrified by the fact I just might pay for my raising and I have a girl!
Mommy & Guice
Mandy & Guice! Lindsay & Rodney!
Andrew & Emery Jai!
Lindsay & Guice!
Posted by The Andersons at 9:41 AM 0 comments
More Pics!
All of the kids:
Spencer, Guice, Rodney, Emery Jai, & Andrew!
Us with the kids!
Mandy Me & Lindsay!
Spencer & Andrew belong to Mandy
Rodney is Lindsay's
Posted by The Andersons at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 24, 2007
In case you were wondering...
Staying at home with the kids is going much much better! Emery Jai still has her moments, but not near as many of them. We all go down for an afternoon nap and that helps a lot. Just wanted to say that all is well and I haven't had the urge to join the circus or sell my kid to the Gypsies in a couple of days!
Posted by The Andersons at 7:51 PM 0 comments
19 Months Old!
As always Emery Jai is doing GREAT!! She is a wonderful big sis. She is growing so big. She is working on using silverware, dressing herself, and being polite. Here recently she has started calling me Mom, she was saying Momma. It is a little strange to hear her say it, she sounds 4. Emery Jai is experimenting with the tone and volume of her voice. I remind her constantly to "talk nice". One of her new favorite activities is writing. E.J. picks out a crayon and a magazine then "writes" in it. Emery Jai is such a great kid, I am so glad she is ours! We are looking forward to the next 19 months.
Posted by The Andersons at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
We Miss You!
Josh, Emery Jai wanted me to post a blog to tell you to hurry up and get to Arkansas! We all miss you very very much! I can not wait to see you on Monday!
Daddy & Emery Jai
E.J. is wearing her favorite outfit, tshirt, crazy shorts, hat, & sunglasses!
She picks this out to wear almost everyday, so much for bows and lace!
Posted by The Andersons at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Home Alone!
Today was my first day alone with the babies, it did not go so well. Your probably thinking about time, Guice is 3 weeks old. The problem is not staying home with Guice it's Emery Jai. I have mentioned she is a little high drama, right? E.J. expects one on one attention, she has had it her whole life. So today was a sad day for her. At one point she decided she needed to breastfeed. I gave her milk in a big girl cup, she preceded to spit the milk out everywhere including on me. She also decided she needed to take a bink, she has never had a bink Guice doesn't take one either. But regardless today Emery took a bink. Which was fine by me, at least she wasn't screaming. I know it is just going to take sometime to adjust, i just hope the adjustment happens sooner than later!
In retrospect we came out OK. The kids were both fed and semi clean and I think there was less time with crying than without (it might have been 50/50), what more can I expect with a newborn and a 18 month old?
I thought it would be good to post a few cute pics to remind myself just how cute they can be!
What a sweetie!
Showing off for Mrs. Sherry & Uncle Ron Ron,
thanks for her hog shirt she LOVES it!
Posted by The Andersons at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Play Date!!
My dearest and oldest friend and I got our little ones together for a play date last Friday. Lindsay and I first met in Mrs. Newland's Kindergarten class, we became fast friends. It was so neat to have our kids together playing and being friends! Emery Jai did ok, it helped that Rodney is the sweetest baby I have ever seen. E.J. did require one time out for what I will refer to as heavy handed patting :). All joking aside she did very well. She even shared her prized possession, a stuffed Mimi that No-no bought for her. Guice did not really get in on the action, he just hung out with his Mommy and ate and ate and ate.
Rodney & Emery Jai.
Playing with the Mimi! thanks to linzi for remembering to take pics & emailing them to me!
Posted by The Andersons at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Red Hair Again!
It looks like we might have two red heads in the family! Over the last week or so more and more red has shown up in Guice's hair. It is a much darker red than Emery Jais', but still red. 90% of the time when we go out at least one person says something about E.J.'s red hair. I can only imagine the amount of looks and comments two red headed kids would get.
Posted by The Andersons at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Happy Baby!
Guice has already changed so much in just two short weeks! He is really starting to get chunky, I had to let the straps out in his car seat today. He is the sweetest baby! Guice hasn't had a single episode of inconsolable crying, he is so good. He smiles all of the time, he has also started to hold his head up.
Mr. Smiley!!
Posted by The Andersons at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Breaking News....
Guice lost his umbilical cord! I know everyone has been standing by checking the blog hourly for this post :). But it is a huge deal, I am happy that I don't have to A: clean it every diaper change and B: look at it any more, I think it is completely gross. It is sad because he is not so "new" now. I am way more aware of just how fast time flies by when you have little ones. I think if I could have anything in the world it would be that time moved a little bit slower. I want my kids to grow up, I honestly look forward to seeing who they are as adults. I just think it goes by way way to fast. Although I will admit some times time stands still. For example the hour before nap time, the 30 min. before your husband (aka help) gets home from work, when your kid throws a fit in public, the fit might only last a number of seconds but it fells like an eternity!
Posted by The Andersons at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 17, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Were Here!!
We left Sunday at around 9:30 we got to NeNa's at 5:00. The babies traveled great. Guice has already began meeting family! His Great Grandmother thought he was beautiful! Guice also met his Great Uncle Jesse and Great Aunt Annette. Its so good to be here! Of course Emery Jai is loving it!She is so happy to be around the mimi's. We are having a great time!
Posted by The Andersons at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 10, 2007
2 Week Check-Up!
I took Guice for his 2 week Dr. appointment today. I took him to the same pediatrician that we used for Emery Jai's 15 month check up. There was just no way I was going back to Vanderbilt. And after giving Dr. I a second chance she is very nice. We are going to go to her, for now. Anyway, Guice is wonderful! He weighs 9lbs 4oz! He had lost down to 8lbs 3oz last Friday, so he is gaining weight at a rapid pace! He is in the 97% for weight, height, and head circumference. I am so thankful for a healthy baby!
Posted by The Andersons at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Never A Dull Moment!
I just wanted to share a few of the stories that have kept us laughing the past week or so. Emery Jai has done her part to keep us entertained. I have said this before but I am going to say it again, she is so so funny! Her personality is amazing!
Emery Jai was watching me change a diaper when Guice experienced explosive poo all over the couch and me! Josh and I died laughing E.J. did not find it as humorous. She ran and told NeNa what had happened. Emery Jai tells anyone who will listen what Guice did, she told the lady at Wal-Mart. And anytime we get ready to change him she is instantly concerned that he might poop on something. It took us forever to convince her we cleaned the couch and it was O.K. to sit on.
She has taken notice of the difference between girl bottoms and boy bottoms. Emery Jai now checks all of her stuffed animals for their parts. Shes a little confused by the fact they don't have either.
When Guice cries she will look at me and say boob repeatedly! E.J. thinks that solves everything.
Emery Jai does not want NeNa to hold Guice. If he starts crying she runs and jumps in NeNa's lap. She also says "My NeNa" about 1000 times a day.
I know there will be more stories to share, stay tuned.
here are some pics from the last couple of days
A sink full of Emery Jai! What a cutie!
Thanks Uncle Jo-Jo & Jody Lynn for the cute shirt!
Seriously, who does this kid look like?!?!?!
Posted by The Andersons at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Family Update!
One week down, many many more to go! Everything is going very well. My recovery was super easy. Guice is a GREAT baby! Seriously, he is so so good. He never ever cries, he just eats sleeps and hangs out. He is already smiling, I know your thinking that that is impossible but he really does smile. Emery Jai was smiling at a week old also, and yes it is social smiles not gas :). Guice and I already have a night time routine down. He basically nurses nonstop from about 9 until 11 or so then sleeps until 4 nurses then goes back down until 7:30 or 8. And to top it off he does not mind to sleep in his co-sleeper on his back!
Emery Jai has her moments, but overall is doing good. She loves to kiss and hold Guice. But I have seen a few more instances of acting out here lately. Last night she threw herself in the kitchen floor then to top it off she licked the floor a couple of times. E.J. is very dramatic she may have a career in the Arts! NeNa is a huge help, she has been in charge of the monkey. Its funny NeNa has to sneak around to hold Guice.
Josh is enjoying the new addition to the family, I think he is still in shock! He is doing wonderfully helping around the house and keeping Emery Jai entertained. They are having some serious bonding time. He also gets up early in the mornings so I can sleep in a little later. Just those few extra moments help out so much.
Here are the most recent pics of Guice,
Emery Jai still refuses to get her picture made.
Thanks No-no for my super cute shirt!
I am convinced his eyes are going to be brown! Just hanging out!
So serious!
Posted by The Andersons at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Guice's Appointment
Guice checked out great!! He is doing wonderfully! He is nursing great and has the diapers to prove it! But we will not be going back to that clinic, it was terrible. How hard is it to find a good Pediatrician??? First there was not a infant/newborn waiting room, or even a well child waiting room. So we were surrounded by snotty sick kids. I almost left right then, I should have. Guice gets called back, nothing eventful happens until we are asked to go to the lab. They wanted to draw blood, he looked a little yellow. Anyway when the nurse came in to show us the way to the lab, I was breastfeeding. She asked if I wanted to finish, I said I was fine I could walk and nurse Guice. We were lead to another smaller waiting room. When we reached the door the nurse opened another door pulled out a chair and placed it at the end of the hall. She then looked at me and said, I quote "You can sit out here so you don't bother anyone". Bother anyone?!?!?!?! If me feeding my child is in someway unsettling to someone THEY are more than welcome to sit outside! To be treated that way at a Doctors office! I was/am beyond mad. Anyway Josh wrote a very heated email to Vanderbilt and we are in the process of finding yet another Pediatrician. I have yet to figure out the big deal about breastfeeding in public. I cover up, but even if I didn't I don't see the problem. Why is seeing a women use her breast for what they were designed for an issue. It is outrageous! This is just another example of why women feel the need to bottle feed in public or hide out in a bathroom. I am just amazed that in this day and time its an issue for anyone especially a "medical professional".
Posted by The Andersons at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Baby Pic's
I just wanted to post new pics of Guice. We have no idea who he looks like! He looks completely different today. Of course we think he is the most beautiful/handsome little boy ever! Emery Jai is loving him! It is going much better than anticipated. She wants to hold him all of the time and can not give him enough kisses. She loves being able to help me pick out clothes and get diapers for him. E.J. is such a good helper. She does want to wear his clothes, that presents a small problem. But all things considered she is doing remarkable! I have to say having two kids is a whole new ball game! But we are loving every second of it and would not have it any other way! Josh goes back to work on Saturday, NeNa is coming down to stay for a while. If all goes well the kids and I are coming back to Arkansas to stay for a while. I am excited for everyone to see Emery Jai and Guice.
I want to say thank you to everyone for all calls and emails!
I am working on returning them, it might take a while.
He sleeps a lot!
One of the few pics he has his eyes open!
Profile shot!
E.J. giving loves!
Posted by The Andersons at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Emery Jai!
Here are pics of E.J. from her stay at NeNa's & Pop's house. She had a blast!
Waffles and peanut butter yum! Riding her Mimi!
Reading with Pops glasses!
Walking around the zoo!
Posted by The Andersons at 10:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
And Then There Were Four!
I can not believe it! He came before his due date, on his own!! I am still amazed, I just knew I would have to be induced. I am not sure how long I was in true labor. The contractions started late Friday, I did not sleep all weekend. I was admitted to the hospital on Sunday around 7pm. I was 100% and 4-5. Guice was born at 9:29am. The birth went well, Josh got to catch him! Josh said it was the most amazing experience. The first thing I said when I saw him was "oh my gosh he is so small" and then "look at all of that hair"!! We were released with in 24 hours. He has an appointment with his pediatrician on Friday.
We are all doing very well!
"Little Man" Emery Jai & Guice
So much hair!
Posted by The Andersons at 6:10 PM 0 comments